What is Permanent Makeup ( PMU)
Permanent Makeup (PMU) is a cosmetic tattooing technique that enhances facial features, and natural beauty by implanting pigment into the skin. It mimics the appearance of makeup, offering long-lasting ( Brows, Eyeliner, and Lips ) results that eliminate the need for daily application.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q . Does PMU process hurt?
A . Everyone's pain tolerance is different, Cosmè Beauty use high quality numbing cream to ensure you're as comfortable as possible throughout the procedure. Following a good pre-care routine can also make a big difference in minimizing sensitivity. Our clients' feedbacks regarding pain levels typically range from approximately 2 on a scale of 0 to 5.
Q . How long does the healing process take?
A . Keep in mind that everyone's body heals at different rate. PMU usually involves two procedures: the Initial Procedure and the Touch-up Procedure. The Initial procedure may take about 5 to 6 weeks to heal. Following by a Touch-up procedure which can take up to 4 weeks for healing. It's best to set aside 2.5 to 3 months to ensure a smooth healing process.
Q . How long does each procedure take?
A . The initial PMU procedure usually requires about 2 to 3 hours, depending on how symmetrical the client's features are. To achieve the best result, it's recommended to set aside 3 to 4 hours.
The Touch-up procedure usually requires about 1 to 2 hours.
Q . How long does my PMU last?
A . PMU typically stay fresh 2 - 4 years, depending on skin type, life style, and aftercare. Following the suggested timeline for the Color Boost Procedure is key to keeping those results looking their best.
Q . What is the difference between Touch-up and Color Boost Procedures?
A . Touch-up Procedure is typically done within 3 months from the Initial Procedure. It's also known as Perfection session. Brows, Lips, and Eyeliner can hardly be perfect from the Initial Procedure due to various reasons (Aftercare, healing rate, skin type, and lifestyle). Therefore, you need a Perfection Touch-Up. Color Boost is usually performed when you are beyond the 6-month mark of your initial PMU session. The goal of a Color Boost is to enhance the vibrancy of the colors, as they can change and fade over time due to your lifestyle.
Q . Is Permanent Makeup suitable for everyone? How do I know if I'm a candidate for PMU?
A . If you're someone who values efficiency in your daily routine, enjoys enhancing your facial features, and wanting to add some vibrancy to your completion even without makeup on, you might be a great fit for PMU. For any health-related concerns, you can find a detailed list of contraindications by reaching out to Cosmebeautyofficial@gmail.com.
Q . Does Cosmè Beauty offer Microblade?
A . Cosmè Beauty doesn't offer Micro-blade, if you have been worked on by another artist and is interested in getting Nano Brows, Powder Brows, or Combo Brows. Please text (913) 333-1103 or email COSMEbeautyOfficial@gmail.com for a detail consultation.
Q . Does Cosmè Beauty offer Nano Brows? What is the difference between Microblade and Nano Brows?
A . Cosmè Beauty provides Nano Brows, an innovative technique in permanent makeup that delivers incredibly realistic, natural-looking eyebrows. This method replicates the look of actual brow hairs, resulting in a soft enhancement, also heals more gracefully than traditional microblading. Since this technique requires a machine to create hairtrokes, this approach ensures a beautiful fade without the risk of scarring or discoloration. In contrast, microblading involves a manual blade that cuts the skin to implant pigment, which can lead to scarring and uneven color over time, often resulting in patchy or blurry brows as they fade.
Q . Is Permanent Makeup high maintenance ?
A . Color boosts are suggested every few years to enhance the vibrancy of your permanent makeup. The goal is for you to care for your PMU effectively, allowing the color to remain vibrant for an extended period, reducing the need for frequent Color boosts. To achieve this, it's best to avoid using active ingredients in your skincare products around your PMU area, and applying SPF daily will also help maintain the color's brightness.